
i've been preoccupied.
my need to draw has caught up with me.  it comes and goes and lately it's been lingering making me wonder if it isn't what i should be doing.  i'm trying my best to allow it to co-exist with making jewelry, but it always seems that one crowds the other out: one can't serve two masters.

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A photo posted by - j u j u - (@juniperandmint) on

butterflies are an obsession and have been my muse this spring.  i'm such a girl (so i have a need to balance them out with skulls and dragons... ).  i frequently run it by my husband that a butterfly terrarium is something i think i need and "how viable does he think one would be? how ethical?" ...  i should probably just plant flowers in my yard that attract them.

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i just feel i need them around me at all times and if that's wrong i guess i don't wanna be right ;)

my butterflies can be followed on instagram.  i've been there a lot these past couple months.  i need to get back in the habit of posting to my facebook page and blog; a habit lost to me two years running it seems:3

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A photo posted by - j u j u - (@juniperandmint) on

A photo posted by - j u j u - (@juniperandmint) on

oh look! jewelry:D 

A photo posted by - j u j u - (@juniperandmint) on

so... butterflies.  they're all over;)

julee <3 


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