
                Hello and welcome to “Tue and Fri”.  Why Tue and Fri? those are the days you will get updates and new material to feast your hungry eye’s upon.  I’m Julee, I’m known for my body of work “Harlequin Romantique”; I make and sell jewelry and accessories, and Tue & Fri is set to be the new blog following the rebranding of my work.  I plan to share the story of why I have rebranded in the future, but for now, I want to talk a little more about this new blog, my work and what to expect.
As mentioned, every Tuesday and Friday morning there will be a new blog highlighting Julee M Clark recent works, store news and upcoming events.  The idea is to preview jewelry and other items in the mkaing on Tuesdays; on Friday finished works will be showcased.
On the wake of a rather significant shift in life I’m trying to catch up: what this means is my work has suffered a huge blow and is still reeling.  I have every intention of picking up and coming back, and this is exactly what the rebranding is about, “a new day”.  I cannot wait to get going and share all the new ideas and jewelry I have racing through my head.  I hope once I have some new pieces to showoff, all watching will be equally excited.  I look forward to smothering this blog with copious amounts sparklies.
And sometimes I just like to write and regurgitate thoughts, inspirations, and frustrations.  Expect the rogue blog here and there; sometimes I want to connect with my readers through more than what I do.  If I have personal stories or news to share that is important and appropriate, it could very well make its way to Tue & Fri.
To conclude the very first Tue & Fri entry, I only want this blog to deliver the way a blog should.  I hope the content is enough to keep followers engrossed and craving more.  I hope you’re all ready for some satisfying, bejeweled nourishment each Tuesday and Friday morning.  (PS don’t be surprised if I lose my mind and start in talking about actual food. There’s a real possibility it could happen).          

-Julee M Clark


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