Silver Lining of the Week

... And, it's Friday.

Jewelry, I feel it should be a safe assumption that’s why anyone would come here.  
While I'm sure most followers would be familiar with the Signature Series, I do believe this is the first group photo I have of the ladies.  
(links are provided in image captions)
Ladies Ocean, Nebula, and, new to the family, Pulsar. Aren't they lovely?!
I mentioned Tuesday I have a million ideas I want to pull out of my head and share with everyone, but in reality the evidence of those great ideas is scarce by fault of my human limitations.  However, I do have a few great, new, "phone camera" pics of old pieces (emphasis on phone camera because these are as beautiful as anything I have captured with my DSLR). It's magical to see the range of color available in the ring collection all in one shot.  

Lady of the Ocean Cuff and friends
I'm also considering doubling my workbench as the new photo set; save some time... and it just looks great.  My jewelry is known for it's shabby-chic photo set; all the white, the books, and the dried flowers; very romantic, but I don't know if that's me.  I have a feeling my photo set is soon to become "sets" ... various sets. 

 Perhaps I'll have new designs next week;)



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